The quaint town of Kota Belud lies about 70 kilometers, or an hour’s drive away, from Kota Kinabalu. Well-known for its ‘Land of the Cowboys of the East’ soubriquet, it is also one of the most scenic districts in Sabah.
Kota Belud is a wonderful tapestry of cultures and customs; embracing those of the Bajau Muslim majority and smatterings of the KadazanDusun and Irranun mores. For many centuries, Kota Belud has played an imperative role as the cultural hub of Northern Borneo. It is mostly known for its vivacious tamu and unique handicrafts. Kota Belud is also the gateway to the beautiful Mantanani Island.
Kota Belud is a wonderful tapestry of cultures and customs; embracing those of the Bajau Muslim majority and smatterings of the KadazanDusun and Irranun mores. For many centuries, Kota Belud has played an imperative role as the cultural hub of Northern Borneo. It is mostly known for its vivacious tamu and unique handicrafts. Kota Belud is also the gateway to the beautiful Mantanani Island.
List of attraction around Kota Belud
* Kampung Kuala Abai
* Kampung Siasai
* Kota Belud District
* Mantanani Island
* Miki Survival Camp
* Tamu Kota Belud
* Usukan Cove
* Kampung Kuala Abai
* Kampung Siasai
* Kota Belud District
* Mantanani Island
* Miki Survival Camp
* Tamu Kota Belud
* Usukan Cove
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